Friday, August 11, 2006

I wonder how guys tahan talking to me ALL NIGHT LONG. Especially when I still half sound like a man and launch into big coughing fits ever so often. Though I suppose Shane's always said if I were a guy he'd turn gay for me. Which never made sense because he's already so fucking gay. Maybe I should try the whole boob-binding thing. Not like they're that big to begin with, but its nice to go around saying 'My boobs grow too much wayy too fast so I've to bind them to stop them from taking over the world'. If only they would grow in a proportionate ratio to the hips. SOMEONE TELL ME WHY DOES INDIAN WOMAN SYNDROME ONLY KICK IN FOR THE LOWER HALF OF ME? I'm not demented, I swear. All my jeans are way too fucking tight now. I hate bending down. And Mama absolutely refuses to pay for new Levi's, even though my brother has 7 pairs that fits him perfectly fine and I have 2 that take about an hour for me to struggle into. Oh the tremendous denial I go through to convince myself I'm NOT putting on weight( I still wear IJ primary P.E shorts for P.E every week ).

Oh and I totally wanna kill myself. I forgot all about Roy Dupuis, possibly the only man to beat Wentworth Miller on the sex appeal. I will so totally make a new list and up it to like 50 so everyone stops calling me to ask why ... and ... isn't in it. And then taking forever to believe its me and not Adrian answering the phone. Maybe I should go back on the cough syrup that makes me sleep all day long. Maybe.

I'm gonna go on a Roy Dupuis spree. I'll watch the show all over again, yes all five seasons. Even though Peta Wilson is such a transvestite. Michael just exudes the sex appeal. Yikes. Maybe I should do math homework first. Tuition's only in like an hour. ARGH. I hate being a junior college kid.

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